7 Tips To Make Your Property First Cab Off The Rank!

Image: UNEP Climate Neutral Network

When you leave the airport, which cab do you take? The FIRST cab. Make sure your property is the FIRST property buyers see, not the last. Let me explain…

On the North Shore almost 30% of buyers don’t live here. Many transfer from another area, and immigrants and expats returning from overseas make up a significant proportion of buyers. In fact, the buyer or buyers for your home may come from anywhere in New Zealand or the world. After all the North Shore is New Zealand’s lifestyle city! The buyer for your house could likely come from Christchurch, Sydney, London, Johannesburg, or Beijing. So, advertising in the newspaper may not be the best way to get exposure for your property.

The internet is the easiest and most practical way to reach those buyers and today, 70% of buyers in New Zealand say the internet is the top source for real estate information. Making sure your property is right at the forefront of the market is easy, here’s how:

7 easy tips on how to get the best from your internet advertisement and get more enquiry and buyers to your home!

  1. Get great photos! Nearly every buyer wants more, bigger and better pictures of your property. Low quality photos look grainy and awful. It is the most important part of your property ad. Make sure your pics are taken by a professional. (I recommend open2view, they can take great photos and load them to their website as well.)
  2. Check that you are happy with the headline and copy and make sure it is designed to attract the buyers. The more buyers you have the better!
  3. Ask your salesperson if they have a database… and then ask them how often they email to that database. Get put on their database so you can see what they do and how often and make sure your property is featured in their email marketing.
  4. Does your salesperson have a personal website? Ask to see it. What will your property look like when it is advertised there?
  5. Feature your property on the internet. realestate.co.nz have great feature property positions on the front page of the area you live in and the big realestate companies have their own websites; feature your property on them.
  6. Don’t let your property be lost amongst the thousands online, have one good advertisement. Buyers find it boring to find the same property advertised by lots of companies with the same pictures and advertising copy. A general listing can show up 7 or 8 times on one website, making your property seem hard to sell and a bit bargain basement.
  7. Ask your salesperson about setting up a website for your property. It is not that expensive and lots of information can be attached to it, e.g. LIM, Title, house-plans, contracts. This is especially helpful for out-of-town buyers. Your salesperson can email links to the website directly to buyers and attach it to social networking sites and internet listings, easily.
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