Links to the best real estate websites for property on the North Shore

The power of getting your house sale right first time

There is no doubt that today’s home buyers, looking to make that move, are very price conscious, very price and value educated. This means that even when they see the property that is ideal for them, they won’t just pay any price.

There is also no doubt that some properties languish on the market for months. One clear principle in real  estate marketing, is that time on the market erodes value. 

Therefore, when selling your property, it is vital to get it right first time. The things to get right are:

  • Your property.  Prepare your property to look it’s best.
  • Get the price right! The most buyers for any property are in the market in the first 10-14 days. Don’t wait and see and drop your price later. The best buyers may have been and gone. If you can’t agree on the right asking price sell by Auction or Tender.
  • Your Marketing: You only have one chance to make the biggest impact. Launch with the biggest and best campaign you can. The first two weeks are critical!

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